football Edit

QA with Jeff Sundsmo

In the 5th of what is expected to be a 25-part series of Q&As with the 2003 Gopher Football recruits,'s Zach Johnson recently spoke with St. Paul Highland Park offensive lineman Jeff Sundsmo. It looks like GopherHolers weren't the only ones upset with Iowa fans taking down the Metrodome goalpost this season: What was the best part of the recruiting process?
Sundsmo: The official visit to Minnesota was easily the best part. What was the worst part of the recruiting process?
Sundsmo: Wondering if I was going to get an offer from Minnesota. What was the #1 reason you chose to attend Minnesota?
Sundsmo: It has always been a dream of mine to play football for the Gophers. Who is Floyd of Rosedale?
Sundsmo: A trophy the Gophers play for, is it against Indiana? Wait a minute, no, is it Iowa? Was playing in the Metrodome a positive or negative factor when considering to attend Minnesota?
Sundsmo: It really didn't matter, honestly it doesn't. What player do you model your game after?
Sundsmo: Matt Birk and Tony Boselli. I like Birk because of his versatility. What is the one Big Ten team you never want to lose to?
Sundsmo: Wisconsin! Who is the greatest football player in Minnesota history?
Sundsmo: Bruce Smith. What are your individual and team goals you want to accomplish at Minnesota?
Sundsmo: My individual goals are to get better every year, become a starter as soon as possible, and be good enough to get picked up by an NFL team. My team goals are #1, go to Iowa next year and take down their goal post. I also never want to lose to Wisconsin, and I want to win a Big Ten championship and a Rose Bowl. What do you have to work on in order to reach these goals?
Sundsmo: I would like to get up to 300 pounds and keep my speed where it is now. Get along with people and learn the schemes.
Previous Q&As:
Brandon Owens
Keith Lipka
Samad Cain
Tony Brinkhaus
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