Minnesota signee Justin Walley is less than a week away from enrolling. Many weren't sure if Walley was going to end up a Gopher, but after carefully weighing his choices and considering the persistence of the staff, he signed with Minnesota and is now locked in on getting to Minneapolis preparing for his future.

"It's a relief," said Walley. "The process is really stressful, but now it's all over with and I can focus. It was hard because I could have easily went to Ole Miss or Mississippi State, but I stayed true to my decision and stayed true to what I believed in."

With his recruitment now in the past, Walley has one goal: Be the best version of himself that he can be.

"It's hard to pass up the opportunity to represent your state, but my goal now is just to become the best football player and person I can become. I want to help Minnesota win championships, so if I can do that I will be satisfied," Walley told TGR.